If you are planning to get serious about any of the life skills in BDO (training, sailing, cooking, gathering, trading, alchemy, etc.) then you’ll want to craft your own clothing to help boost your XP gain. You’ll also get other buffs, such as movement speed or increased crafting success. In this guide, I’ll show you which materials you need for each outfit, along with the base buffs you’ll get. Unlike the quest reward outfits, you can also enhance the clothing you craft to get even better buffs.
Get Ready
Before you spend precious contribution points on a costume mill, you’ll need to gather up the materials you need to craft the clothes. For some mats, that will mean investing in nodes and other buildings to get your mats ready, so you’ll want to start early. Every Life outfit requires black stone powder, so this should be a priority. You can get a refinery to make black stone powder, so grab one now and get your worker going on grinding up some rough stones (you can mine feldspar for those with your pickaxe). You can also grind up crystals for black stone powder.
Next up? You’ll need cloth. You can find wild flax in Mediah, but it’s usually smack in the middle of mobs, so it’s much easier and faster to get a worker to gather it for you at a node like Moretti Plantation or Costa Farm outside of Heidel. Wool is made from fleece, which can be gathered by your worker at Lynch Ranch. Cotton is a bit easier to get, as you can find it in the wild (try the mountain top above Florin). Lastly, you’ll also need specific traces and powders for most costumes, some of which are most easily obtainable as “by-products” at gathering nodes. This means you may need to set a worker up to gather something you don’t really need, just so you can get a few traces or powders on the side.
Of course, many of these materials are also obtainable on the marketplace — but some (like Powder of Earth) are not easy to buy, so you may need to get it all on your own.
NEW!! Sailor’s Clothes
Sailor’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Mermaid’s Wish
Sailing XP +5%
Materials Needed
10 Cotton Fabric
10 Coral Pieces
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Coral Pieces:
Coral pieces can be obtained by diving in the ocean and gathering (with a hoe) the coral found there.
Trainer’s Clothes
Trainer’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Horse XP gain +5%
Materials Needed
9 Flax Fabric
10 Trace of Battle
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Trace of Battle:
– Worker excavation at Bernianto Farm northwest of Northern Wheat Plantation (spend 35 energy with the node manager to open)
– Drops occasionally from certain Mansha mobs
– Melting Bares weapons (in the processing menu)
Fisher’s Clothes
Fisher’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Fishing Level +1
Movement Speed +1
Materials Needed
10 Flax Fabric
10 Powder of Time
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Powder of Time:
– Small chance of getting it while mining rocks with a pickaxe
– Worker excavation at Lead or Zinc mines
– Drops occasionally from certain Ruins Golems/Spiders and Moss Stoneback crabs
Gatherer’s Clothes
Gatherer’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Gathering Level +1
Materials Needed
10 Flax Fabric
10 Trace of Forest
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Trace of Forest:
– Worker excavation at Bernianto Farm northwest of Northern Wheat Plantation (spend 35 energy with the node manager to open)
– Drops occasionally from certain Mask Owl mobs
Cook’s Clothes
Cook’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Cooking time decreases by 1 second
Materials Needed
9 Cotton Fabric
10 Powder of Earth
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Powder of Earth:
– Small chance of getting it while mining rocks with a pickaxe
– Worker excavation at Tin mines
– Drops occasionally from certain Waragon, Tree Spirit and Ruins mobs
Alchemist’s Clothes
Alchemist’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Alchemy time decreases by 1 second
Materials Needed
10 Wool Fabric
10 Powder of Darkness
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Powder of Darkness:
– Small chance of getting it while mining rocks with a pickaxe
– Worker excavation at Copper and Iron mines
– Drops occasionally from certain possessed mobs by Florin/Bree Tree Ruins
Craftsman’s Clothes (Processing)
Craftsman’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Processing XP gain +5%
Processing Success Level +1
Materials Needed
10 Wool Fabric
10 Powder of Flame
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Powder of Flame:
– Small chance of getting it while mining copper with a pickaxe
– Worker excavation at Copper and Iron mines
Trader’s Clothes
Trader’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Weight limit +100LT
Materials Needed
10 Cotton Fabric
10 Powder of Crevice
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Powder of Crevice:
– Small chance of getting it while mining copper with a pickaxe
– Worker excavation at Lead and Coal mines
– Drops occasionally from Golem Spider, Rock Spider and Junk Golem
Farmer’s Clothes
Farmer’s Clothes (click for larger image)
Movement Speed +1
Farming XP gain +5%
Materials Needed
12 Flax Fabric
10 Trace of Forest
15 Black Stone Powder
Obtaining Trace of Forest:
– Worker excavation at Bernianto Farm northwest of Northern Wheat Plantation (spend 35 energy with the node manager to open)
– Drops occasionally from certain Mask Owl mobs